NRC Vision Programs & Services
Teachers of the visually impaired and orientation and mobility services are available as requested.
Braille-trained aides can be provided for 1:1 assistance of visually impaired students.
Please see our programs and services below.

Teachers of the Visually Impaired
The North River Collaborative provides Teachers of the Visually Impaired for program-based consultative and direct services to students with visual impairments. The Collaborative also works with districts across the region to provide itinerant vision and orientation and mobility services to students with visual impairments who are attending district schools.
Services provided by the Teacher of the Visually Impaired may include:
- Functional Vision Assessments
- Learning Media Assessments
- Technology Assessments/Instruction
- Consultation to staff and parent/guardian
- Braille Instruction
- Consultation to support access to the nine areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum: Assistive Technology, Career Education, Compensatory Skills, Independent Living Skills, Orientation and Mobility, Recreation and Leisure, Self-Determination, Sensory Efficiency and Social Interaction Skills
- Production and ordering of adapted materials
- Serve as a liaison among school, medical personnel, and equipment vendors to support specific educational needs
After School Program for Students who are Visually Impaired
The program provides socialization and recreational activities for visually impaired students.
Students Served
The VIP After School Program serves South Shore students ages 5-14 who are legally blind and registered with Massachusetts Commission for the Blind. Most students attend a school program in their home district. This program provides opportunities for students to socialize with peers who are visually impaired.
Program Description
Activities are scheduled for after school, school vacations, and weekends. These include:
- Bowling
- Swimming
- Beach trips
- Dance
- Kung Fu
- Roller skating
- Attending plays and concerts
- Museum visits
- Dining out
Staff/Ancillary Services
- 4:1 student to staff ratio
- Teachers of the Visually Impaired
- Volunteers
- Adaptive Physical Education and Mobility Specialists when appropriate
- School year calendar
- All activities take place after school, weekends, and vacation weeks.
- Optional Summer VIP Day Program: Enrollment based on recommendation of school district.
North River Collaborative
198 Spring St.
Rockland, MA 02370
Meredith Daly
Coordinator of District Services, North River Collaborative
Phone: 781-878-6056 ext. 120
Email: Meredith Daly