Learning Center Program for Students with Multiple Disabilities
Ages 3-22
The Learning Center classrooms within the Multiple Disabilities continuum are designed to meet the academic, medical, and therapeutic needs of students with disabilities in multiple areas. The classroom staff, along with an extensive therapy and vision support team, work together to enhance the academic, communication, self-care, motor, vocational, and leisure skills of students.
Program nurses oversee the promotion of overall student health. Classroom locations within public schools provide students access to inclusive opportunities in order to help facilitate academic and social skills development.

Classrooms follow a functional, experiential curriculum based upon the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks utilizing a monthly thematic format (Unique Learning System Curriculum). An MCAS Assessment is completed by the classroom teacher; typically, in the form of an MCAS-Alternate portfolio documenting the student’s progress over the year.
An Integrated Related Services Approach is utilized; therapists provide direct individual and small group services as written in Individual Education Programs and classroom staff applies the recommended therapeutic strategies throughout the week in order to enhance learning.
The Program Includes
- Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Pathology, Vision and Orientation & Mobility services, Behavior supports, Music Therapy, Swimming program, a summer program
- Assessment and instruction in the most effective means of non-verbal and verbal communication including, but not limited to, assistive technology, augmentative communication devices and/or adapted switches, photographs, line drawings, and representation objects
- A variety of therapeutic positioning equipment, mobility aides and assistive devices
- Oral motor and/or feeding programs that are individually designed for each student and implemented daily
- Instruction in self-care skills including self-feeding, toileting, dressing, and environmental controls
- Supervised and planned inclusion (and reverse inclusion) opportunities with typically developing peers
- Community-based field trips to complement monthly thematic units, enhance development of recreational activities (e.g. ACCESS Sailing program, bowling), and support acquisition of vocational skills
North River Collaborative
198 Spring St.
Rockland, MA 02370
Michelle Boudreau
Program Coordinator
Phone: 781-878-6056 ext. 103
Caregiver Resources
Need Support- Support Resources for Caregivers Booklet (ENGLISH)
Mwen Bezwen Sipò- Resous Sipò pou Moun k ap Swen yo Ti liv (HAITIAN CREOLE)
Eu preciso de suporte- Recursos de Suporte para Cuidadores Livreto (PORTUGUESE)
Necesito Apoyo!- Recursos de apoyo para cuidadores – librete (SPANISH)
Staff/Ancillary Services
High Staff to Student ratio; Special Education Teachers; Teaching Assistants; Nurses; Speech/Language Pathologist; Occupational Therapist; Physical Therapist; Teacher of the Visually Impaired; Orientation and Mobility Instructor; Music Therapy; Adapted Physical Education.