Therapy Services
North River Collaborative provides Occupational, Physical and Speech-Language Therapy, within public school buildings in several school districts. Therapists also work within the North River Collaborative Learning Center Programs for Students with Multiple Disabilities and Learning Center Programs for Students with Autism and Developmental Disabilities. These programs are located in public school settings in order to offer inclusive opportunities to students.
In addition, Augmentative Assistive Communication and Assistive Technology Evaluation and Consultation is provided by Speech-Language Pathologists with other professionals participating as indicated.

Mission & Staff
At each location, therapists are integral members of multidisciplinary teams which facilitate student progress through collaboration and coordination of services. Occupational and Speech-Language Pathologists, many with advanced degrees and certifications, participate in monthly meetings and ongoing professional development activities to enhance knowledge, stay current with the latest research and ensure provision of evidence-based services across settings.
We provide each of our students with service guided by the latest developments in therapeutic, rehabilitative, and educational practice which is why parent and district satisfaction surveys report satisfaction rates between 92 and 100 percent!
Referrals for evaluations or service are made through each individual district’s special education department or through the Learning Center for Students with Multiple Disabilities, and Learning Center for Students with Autism and Developmental Disabilities Coordinator.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy (OT) Quick Facts
- Offer services in the least restrictive way to enhance the educational process.
- A school-based occupational therapy evaluation assesses a student’s ability to participate in the educational environment as mandated by federal and state laws. Occupational therapy, as a related service, must be educationally relevant. Occupational therapy areas of focus may include activities of daily living related to school function, fine and visual motor skill development, sensory motor skills and sensory processing skills as related to school participation.
- Offer direct and consultative services in the least restrictive environment to enhance the educational process and support participation in meaningful activity.
- Provide training and resources for school personnel and families.
- Actively participate in whole school initiatives for health and wellness.
- Activity and environmental analysis and modification to assist in reducing barriers to participation.
North River Collaborative
198 Spring St.
Rockland, MA 02370
Meredith Daly
Program Coordinator
Phone: 781-878-6056 x120
Email Meredith Daly
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy (PT) Quick Facts
- A school-based physical therapy evaluation focuses on the functional skills required to access the school curriculum including functional navigation of the school environment, strength to maintain seated postures within the classroom, opening/closing doors, accessing the restrooms/physical education class/playground and the physical school complex.
- Design and perform therapeutic interventions, including compensation, remediation and prevention strategies and adaptations, focusing on functional mobility and safe, efficient access and participation in educational activities and routines in natural learning environments. (APTA) that allow students to benefit from their educational program.
- Design and implement physical therapy interventions- direct and/or consultative- in the least restrictive environment to support the educational process.
- Provide consultation regarding specific mobility or positioning equipment {REMOVE is provided} to support student access to educational program.
- Serve as a liaison among school, medical personnel, and medical equipment vendors to support specific educational needs.
Speech Therapy
Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) Quick Facts
- Provide a combination of consultative and direct services following an integrated related services model that supports extensive collaboration amongst school teams.
- A school-based speech and language evaluation focuses on the acquisition and use of language including expressive, receptive and social communication within the school environment. Expressive language may include verbalizations, gestures, body language, eye gaze and augmentative/assistive communication tools. Receptive language may include confirmation of learned concepts and the ability to learn new information. Social communication skills measure how effectively the student can participate in social exchanges including initiating, sustaining and concluding communicative exchanges.
- Provide consultation regarding Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication/Assistive Technology
North River Collaborative’s (NRC) Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology Consultation and Evaluation Services include team consultation, student evaluation and embedded professional development to enhance staff knowledge of student communication tools and facilitate use of technology across the communication and curriculum.
Description of Services
This program offers a range of technology, low to high tech, solutions to daily classroom issues that will enhance and support student success and teacher confidence.
Services include access to supported trial versions of a wide variety of current hardware and software options.
Goals for Consultation:
- Develop effective communication systems for struggling students
- Improve ease of use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) throughout the curriculum
- Teach staff how to create, print, and store custom communication boards
- Teach methods to incorporate AAC appropriately into the IEP and to document AAC in the Alternative Assessment
- Demonstrate ways to use AAC to increase visual supports to a variety of children
- Offer time saving strategies for teachers and specialists
- Provide staff with resources and materials to assist students and families with AAC use.
The NRC Speech Therapy Department currently has Speech and Language Pathologists, all of whom have their Certificate of Clinical Competence (S/LP,CCC). Speech and Language Pathologists participate in weekly multidisciplinary team meetings and monthly staff meetings. Occupational Therapists are available to work with the consulting Speech and Language Pathologist to contribute input regarding environmental analysis and student access.